- 1000 Years Ago
- 20% Faster
- 4as
- A Little Bit Different Studio
- Adventure Ponies
- Adventure Ponies 2: Wait! There's More?!
- Adventure of the Lunarbolts RPG
- Adventures in Equica: Unicorn Training
- Adventures in Ponyville
- Adventures in Ponyville/Gallery
- Age of Canterlot
- Age of Canterlot/Gallery
- Alexmakovsky
- Alicorn Games
- Ambient
- Anachronism Equestria
- Anquestria
- Applejack's Awesome Apple Acquisition
- Applejack's Horseshoe Toss
- Applejack's Hurdle Jump
- Applejack's Wedding Cake Creator
- Applejack - Equestria Girls
- Applejack - Equestria Girls/Gallery
- Applejack Episode
- Applejack Puzzles
- Archery Game
- Arma II: Warfare is Magic
- Attack of the Snuggly Bunnies
- Autumn's Adventure: The First Encounter
- Avatars In Pixels - Pony Maker
- BFS/Gallery
- Banned From Equestria (Daily)
- Battle Gem Ponies
- Battle Royale: Forward to the Past
- Battle of the Bands
- Best Pet
- Best Pet/Gallery
- Big Macintosh Consultation
- BlueCookieTouch Caves RPG
- Breach of Harmony
- Bridle Gossip Puzzles
- Brony Cards
- Brony Hero of Equestria
- Bubbles
- Buck Those Apples
- Buckshot
- Buckshot/Gallery
- Cadance Toss
- Canterlot Defence
- Canterlot Defender
- Canterlot High School Dash
- Canterlot Siege
- Canterlot Siege 2
- Canterlot Siege 3: Inversion
- Canterlot Siege 4
- Card Creator
- Castle Creator
- Castle Pinkiestein
- Catch Fluttershy's Beaver
- Catch the Scootaloos
- Cave Lyra+
- Celestia's Cake Golf Adventure In Space
- CertaintyPrinciple
- Chaos Dash
- Chaos in Ponyville
- Cider Attack
- Click the Twilight Sparkle
- CloneConstructor
- Cloud Cannon
- Collect Cupcakes, Lick Ponies
- Collect Cupcakes, Lick Ponies 2
- Collect Cupcakes, Lick Ponies 3
- Coloring with Sweetie Belle
- Colours Of Time
- Conquest of Equestria
- Conquest of Equestria/Gallery
- Corruption
- Crystal Crunch Story
- Crystal Empire Seek & Find
- Crystal Kingdom Arcade
- Crystal Match
- Cult of Equality
- Cult of Equality/Gallery
- Cupcake Dreams
- Curse of The Lost Kingdom
- Cutie Mark Creator
- Cutie Mark Creator/Gallery
- Cutie Mark Crusade: A Dash of Adventure
- Cutie Mark Unmagic
- Cutie Pox
- Dance Studio
- Dancing Pony Gorgeous Flame Insomnia Labrinth
- Daring Do
- Daring Do/Gallery
- Daring Do vs. The Everfree Forest
- Darkera Studios
- Dash
- Dash Off
- Dayside's Birthday Quest
- Dear Princess Celestia
- Dear Princess Celestia/Gallery
- Defenders of Equestria
- Democratic Ponies' Republic of Equestria
- Democratic Ponies' Republic of Equestria/Gallery
- Derp till Dawn
- Derpy's Gr8 Krat Rase
- Derpy's Story
- Derpy & The Hunting of the Super Tasty Muffin (of Awesomeness)
- Derpy Buddy
- Derpy Delivery
- Derpy Hooves Sweet Dreams
- DetectiveBot
- Discover The Difference
- Doli Incapax: Horse Lawyer
- Don't Shoot Rarity
- Donitz
- Doomsday Ascending
- DracoBlair
- Dragonlordship of Equestria
- Dragonlordship of Equestria/Gallery
- Dreamy Rainbow
- Dreamy Rainbow (Series)
- Dreamy Rainbow 2
- Dreamy Rainbow 3
- Drifter
- Drud14
- Elemental Reaction
- Endless Runner
- Epic Portal Time
- EquestriaBound
- Equestria Adventure
- Equestria Chronicles: Online
- Equestria Daily: The Game
- Equestria Dash
- Equestria Games: The Missing Events
- Equestria Gaming
- Equestria Girls
- Equestria Girls/Gallery
- Equestria Online
- Equestria Racing
- Equestria Tales
- Equestria World
- Equestrian Empire
- Explore Ponyville
- Explorers' League
- Faithful Farmer
- Fallout: Equestria
- Fallout: Equestria/Gallery
- Fallout 2: Littlepip Mod
- Fallout Equestria - City States
- Fallout Equestria - City States/Gallery
- Fallout Equestria Civilizations
- Fallout Equestria Project Horizons Civs
- Fallout Equestria Project Horizons Civs/Gallery
- FanatSors' Online Pony Game
- FearlessPie
- Fiends From Dream Valley
- Fighting is Magic
- Fighting is Magic: Tribute Edition
- Find Spike
- Fireburst Studios
- Five Night's At Pinkie's
- Five Night's At Pinkie's/Gallery
- Five Nights At Applejack's
- Five Nights at Pinkie's
- Five Nights at Pinkie's/Gallery
- FlappyShy
- Flappy Ponies
- Flight of the Crystal Princess
- FluffSim
- FluffSim/Gallery
- Fluttergame
- Flutternight
- Fluttershy's Bunny Rescue
- Fluttershy's Quest of Courage
- Fluttershy Navigate
- Fluttershy Puzzles
- Fluttershy’s Famous Stare
- Follow Fluttershy
- Friendship Can't Be Cloned
- Friendship is Epic
- Friendship is Questions!
- Futzi01
- Gem Hunt
- Gentlecolt Collaborations
- Giddy Up Mix-Up
- Gravity Pony
- Happy Birthday Dawnspark!
- Happy Birthday Dawnspark!/Gallery
- Hearts and Hooves Day
- Hearts and Hooves Day Puzzles
- Heathershy
- Heroes Of Equestria
- Heroes of Equestria
- Hidden Signal
- Holiday in Ponyville
- Hoofball
- Hop, Skip & Jump
- HorseGame
- Immolation
- Innocent Luna Game
- Innocent Luna Game/Gallery
- Iron Pony Challenge
- Iron Pony Table Tennis
- Jumping Equestria
- Kerbal Space Ponies
- Kerbal Space Ponies/Gallery
- Key Crusaders
- Key Crusaders/Gallery
- Kick the baby! (dragon)
- Kingdom of Kindness
- Kingdom of Kindness/Gallery
- Last Dash
- Legacy of the Pony
- Legends of Equestria
- Lights, Camera, Ponies!
- List of FIM References in Video Games
- List of Mods
- Luna's Falling Stars
- Luna's Letter
- Luna's Pumpkin Launcher
- Luna's Quest
- Luna's Quest/Gallery
- Luna's Stars
- Luna Eclipsed
- Luna Fun
- Luna Game
- Luna Game (Series)
- Luna Game (Website)
- Luna Game 0
- Luna Game 2
- Luna Game 3
- Luna Game 4
- Luna Game End
- Luna VS Fun
- Lunar Defense Force
- Lyra and Bon Bon Save the World
- MLP: Friendship Club
- MLP: Friendship Club/Gallery
- MLP: Online
- MLP: Revenants of Chaos
- MLP: Saddle Arabian Nights
- MLPTF2Mods
- MLP Characters (Project Zomboid)
- MLP Friendship Celebration
- MLP Friendship Celebration/Gallery
- MLP Hud
- MLP Hud/Gallery
- MLP Name Generator
- Magic Hexagon
- Magic Shards
- Masters of The Sky
- Masters of The Sky/Gallery
- Masters of the Art
- Masters of the Art/Gallery
- Masters of the Earth
- Masters of the Earth/Gallery
- Meet The Ponies
- Mega Pony
- Meloetta: Melody of Discord
- Memory Match
- Mine Escape
- Mine Little Pony
- Minesweeper
- Mini Quizzes
- Minty Fresh Adventure
- Minuette vs Tardiness
- Mlp
- Moonstuck - The Game (Part 1)
- Most Epic Pony Game Ever
- Muffin Mayhem
- My Little Adventure
- My Little Cannon
- My Little Dino - DinoBrony Maker
- My Little Dino - DinoBrony Maker/Gallery
- My Little Fortress
- My Little Foundation: Containment is Magic
- My Little Game Dev
- My Little Game Jam
- My Little Hang Glider
- My Little Investigations
- My Little Investigations/Gallery
- My Little Karaoke
- My Little Karaoke/Gallery
- My Little Mahjong
- My Little Minder: Disturbance is Magic
- My Little Pegasus: Kizuna Doponypachi
- My Little Platform Game
- My Little Pony: Ace Attorney - Trials in Equestria
- My Little Pony: Ace Attorney - Trials in Equestria/Gallery
- My Little Pony: All-Team Organizer
- My Little Pony: Battlefront is Magic
- My Little Pony: Battlefront is Magic/Gallery
- My Little Pony: Crowbars are Magic
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Mobile Game)
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Party
- My Little Pony: Gaming is Magic Wiki
- My Little Pony: Magic Shards
- My Little Pony: New Vegas is Magic
- My Little Pony: Puzzle Party
- My Little Pony: Rise of Vicis
- My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle, Teacher for a Day
- My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle, Teacher for a Day/Gallery
- My Little Pony - Friendly Magic Duel
- My Little Pony - Personality Quiz
- My Little Pony - SPECIAL Stats Replacer
- My Little Pony - SPECIAL Stats Replacer/Gallery
- My Little Pony - Twilight Running
- My Little Pony Plushies (Project Zomboid)
- My Little Pony Ragdolls
- My Little Pony Solitaire
- My Little Sweet Heart
- My Little Time Killer
- My Little f*cking Pony
- My Little f*cking Pony/Gallery
- Mysterious Muffin Mercenary Mare
- Mystery of the Apple Thief
- NIA: Path Of Light
- NIA: Path Of Light/Gallery
- Neverfree
- Night Eternal
- Night Eternal/Gallery
- Nightfall
- No Guns in Canterlot
- No Touching!
- Noah's Cookies
- Notes From Magic
- Octavia in The Underworld's Cello
- One Night at Twilight's
- Order of Twilight
- Overmare Studios
- PPPPPPonies
- PPPP - Portal Pony Project Prototype
- Party of One
- Patapony
- Pbs game
- Pegadrome
- Pepperpunk
- Pie!
- Pink Tac Toe
- Pink tac toe
- Pinkamena
- Pinkie'Sweeper