My Little Pony: Gaming is Magic Wiki
Luna Game 2

Luna Game 2 is a game created by ananonymous on May 30, 2011. It is the same anonymous who created the first Luna Game and is the second game in the pony horror series, Luna Game.


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Immediately after opening the game, it will tell you that you can hold the Shift key to run, after you start moving, cracks will begin to from on the ground and will get bigger and bigger until they completely cover the ground as Luna progresses. After getting far enough, a red tinted picture showing 'Pinkamena' with black eyes, along with blood in the background as well as showing a party hat, along with a very loud static noise show for a second then switch back to Luna with the whole stage tinted red. Luna now moves much slower as well as the music changing to an eerie ambience. Once you get to the end of the level, there will be a big hole that leads to nowhere but darkness. Jumping into the hole will make Luna fall all the way down the bottomless hole as the screen fades to black. The screen will now change to a Game Over screen of a red tinted version of Luna's Descent. The music will then change to be slightly more louder and creepier.

Like the first game, the game will close after a while and pressing Esc or Alt+F4 does not close the game and the only way to close it is using Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and then locating the game using the arrow keys and then after it's located, press Enter or Alt+E to end the games process. Unlike the first game, the game does not create pictures or text documents about the game.
